Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Writing Assignment

I arrived at writing about sex education and std's, because of last weeks class when we all viewed photos as std's. As we all our adults the shock that was expressed at the photographs was surprising including my own. As adults we should of already known what the photos look like, and we didn't. It also interests me because you hear about sex education and std's all the time in the radio, on t.v, friends, everywhere yet society still doesn't know alot about std's. How is that? didn't we all take sex education in school? Through last weeks expressions it did catch my attention. I want to explore why we acted this way did we really get a good sex education, or is sex education just another fluke they teach you about safe sex and that's about it. Well in today's society that's not enough anymore. When I worked at a summer camp there would be young kid's talking about things they should know nothing about but they know a little too much i feel. I don't understand how this is, is sex education not enough anymore or does it need to go into more detail even at a young age should we make kids view photos like we did in class. If we did they would think twice before acting out or doing anything that they might express in the future or even at the present time. Sex education is not put out there enough and either are std's it needs to be shown to younger generations more now than ever.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ethos Mos Def

                 Mos Def as a hip hop artists establish's his ethos in one very good way. Mos Def supports students or children in today's society which will play a big impact on how people view him and take to him in today's society. Mos Def wants to send students off into space. The Brooklyn emcee is partnering with NASA and singer Goapele to help promote science education at the I.S.I.S. Science & Culture Festival in Oakland. Mos Def appeared alongside astronaut Leland Marvin and conduct a holographic presentation in the Cabot Space and Science Center to educate youth on pursuing higher education in the field of science and technology. Leland Melvin and Mos are working with the Institute of Science and School Programs, sponsored by NASA. Mos states, "I'm just here to give the young people some inspiration, some positive encouragement and some good information about science, technology, creativity and discovery and how to use math, science and information to make a positive impact and changes on the world around us." Through being a active supporter of this organization and others, it helps Mos establish ethos with today's society. Showing a posisitive influence for the younger generation. Regarded as one of hip-hop's most introspective and insightful artists, Mos Def has shaped a career that transcends music genres and artistic field. A child of hip-hop's Golden Era, the native Brooklyn spent his childhood in the culture that surrounded him as well as absorbing knowledge from across the artistic spectrum. Mos Def is one of those hip hop artists that can expire you, you sit down put in headphones and listen to and just relax.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Writing assignment/ Project Proposal #2

                      Writing assign/ Project Proposal #2
Why and what text have you chosen?
I chose the Sarah McLachan animal cruelty video on youtube because I am a pet owner, I am against animal abuse and believe it is a very important issue that is not addressed enough in today’s society. I also think it is good that a well-known singer took the time to address the issue and is a well-known advocate for this cause.
What interests you about this text?
This text interests me because it is against animal cruelty, which is a major belief of mine that animals shout never be abused.  I am also an owner of an American Pitbull, which is the most mistreated, and the least understood breed of dog. Owning a Pitbull has helped me understand what many dogs go through and I want to learn more about animal abuse and how it can be stopped. The background song  “Arms of an Angel” by Sarah McLachan is one of my favorite songs which helped bring sorrow to such an important issue, and commercial.
How does this text employ pathos?
This commercial for animal cruelty it starts out and continues throughout with an emotional gong “Arms of an Angel” which draws more emotion to the commercial and catches the audiences attention. The commercial shows various pictures and video clips of abused animals such as a dog with an injured leg.  and a cat with no leg at all. The emotions on the face of all the animals in the video is that of sorrow and pain, which makes the audience feel heartbroken and compelled to help. The vets and caretakers in the video help the animals heal, and give proper medical care for the abused. The action to take care of the helpless animals shows compassion, and love.
Who is the target demographic? Briefly, explain to me how and why you feel this text is targeting this demographic?
I feel that the target demographic for this commercial is for a certain age group that is able to work. People who are 16 and older are able to hold a job, and have enough finical means to help donate extra funds for animal cruelty. The text also targets middle and upper social class. The middle and upper class will be able to afford the extra money to help these abused animals whereas lower class might not have the financial support to help.
Is the text effective in using pathos when targeting the demographic?
This text is effective in using pathos for the targeted demographic by using images, music, and sad facts to draw in attention for people who have a job and have the financial means to donate extra money for this serious and overlooked issue. People with high level of income will be able to donate more to help this cause. The older generation will be more understanding and willing to put forth extra money to help this cause.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Journal Entry

                    The ad I have chosen Is for the Lexus 330 GS. In the ad Lexus is trying to sell the car by showing the option of climate control, as an option that comes with the vehicle. The ad shows a white woman, in a white beater that has a v-cut in it. A seat belt runs across her chest to show two different climates. The ad shows one breast on the left side of the woman that is nipping, and the other side is not. Through this Lexus is showing one side being warmer than the other, and as a way to sell the vehicle.    
                     This ad objectifies the female figure by actually showing one breast nipping as if the female is cold on one side and not the other. A female probably does not find comfort in a ad using a woman's chest as a way to advertise a car and the option of climate control.
                      The intended audience for this ad could be males in the age range of 19 to 40 years of age. Within that age range, it would most likely be from the upper middle class to upper class people as the Lexus 330 GS has a base price of $40,000 not your typical vehicle for the average working person. This ad targets this audience, because most men like higher end cars, and find a ad showing a woman's chest to be appealing. The breast that is nipping is also a contributing factor as it would work to draw attention to the eye and cause some people to take more interest in the ad in front of them. The ad objectifies women and could be shown in a different manner to show climate to promote sells of a vehicle.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Writerly biography

                               My name is Josh Ziemann and I graduated from Cameron R-1 Class Of 2003. While attending High School I also graduated from Art Instruction School. After graduating I wasn't certain on what I wanted to do in the career field. I am now after 7 years of wondering what would suit me best, going to pursue a degree as A Assistant Physical Therapist. I enjoy helping others who are disabled or in need of help. Two of my younger brothers were born with Spinabifida so I understand what people go through, and have learned how to appreciate life and others.

                             I was born June 29, 1984 in Harrisonville, Mo. I lived in Grandview, Mo, which is where I went to elementary school. After my 6th grade year my family and I moved to a small town by the name of Weatherby, Mo were I was home schooled for my seventh grade year. The following year I then was enrolled into Maysville R-1 we’re I completed my 8th grade year. After that year my family decided it was time to move again, which we relocated to Cameron, Mo, were I finished my high school years. Besides basics of were I lived a couple of my passions are my car, and making others smile and laugh.

                                  As a reader and writer, in the past I really didn't enjoy. After taking English 100 last semester it opened up my views and opinions, about reading and writing. Reading I have grown to appreciate the material I'm reading. Learning how to comprehend the reading and understand what the writer and or writers are trying to express. I fill I have grown as a writer, in the beginning I struggled a little, but throughout the semester I grew as a writer. I'm able to express myself better now through my writing it may not be the best, but I put my heart into it now. If not for taking English 100 I don't think I would have viewed reading and writing the same as I do now. I can now sit down read a essay understand it, and write a essay about it without really struggling. In writing I have a weakness of sentence structure, which is developing and look to do nothing but improve on this semester. I'm excited to be in English 104 and be involved, and improve my reading and writing throughout this semester.