Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Journal Entry

                    The ad I have chosen Is for the Lexus 330 GS. In the ad Lexus is trying to sell the car by showing the option of climate control, as an option that comes with the vehicle. The ad shows a white woman, in a white beater that has a v-cut in it. A seat belt runs across her chest to show two different climates. The ad shows one breast on the left side of the woman that is nipping, and the other side is not. Through this Lexus is showing one side being warmer than the other, and as a way to sell the vehicle.    
                     This ad objectifies the female figure by actually showing one breast nipping as if the female is cold on one side and not the other. A female probably does not find comfort in a ad using a woman's chest as a way to advertise a car and the option of climate control.
                      The intended audience for this ad could be males in the age range of 19 to 40 years of age. Within that age range, it would most likely be from the upper middle class to upper class people as the Lexus 330 GS has a base price of $40,000 not your typical vehicle for the average working person. This ad targets this audience, because most men like higher end cars, and find a ad showing a woman's chest to be appealing. The breast that is nipping is also a contributing factor as it would work to draw attention to the eye and cause some people to take more interest in the ad in front of them. The ad objectifies women and could be shown in a different manner to show climate to promote sells of a vehicle.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Josh,

    I like the detail you include here. Good job. This is much better than I have seen in the project proposal. I think that you can ad more to the ad description, but this is a great start.

    What I would like for you to work on for the written assignment is the objectification. Think about the implications of this visual image. The question you need to answer is how else could they have packaged this ad. In this, I mean, why did Lexus choose to use the visual image of a woman in a "wife beater" with one breast that is not nipping and the right breast that is nipping. What is the intended message? What do they want the consumers to do? How does this visual image sell the Lexus 330 GS?

    Ms. C
